Topic Index

I hope this index will help you find what interests you. . . 

Cultic Christianity/Spiritual Abuse

Twelve Good Things I Learned from Being in a Coercive Religious Group

Thoughts on the "Quiverfull" Movement

I'm in Charge Here: Don't Disrespect Me with the Facts

Thoughts on Legalism

"Don't Talk About It"

My Wish-I-Hadn'ts

Fear-Based Parenting

Why Do People Drink the Koolaid?

Things I Have Learned Not to Fear

Does Patriarchy Glorify God?

The Purity Conversation: My Two Cents

Spiritual Abuse Awareness Week: My Contribution

Silencing Techniques

Sovereign Grace Ministries and Abuse: Time to Speak Out

"You're Not Arguing With Us but With God"

The "Jezebel Spirit" Teaching: Priming the Church for Spiritual Abuse

Why I Can't Go to Christian Conferences

Conformity is Next to Godliness

Matthew 18 and Spiritual Abuse

"Raised by Strangers"

Personal/Daily Life

How Can I Keep From Singing?


My Birthday, My Faith Story

My Cousin's Bar Mitzvah

The Camping Trip that Wasn't

A Walk in the Wetlands

Deep in the Heart of Texas (Family Reunion)

Turning 50

Thoughts on 25 Years of Marriage

Fitting In (Or Not)


Bible Interpretation/Hermeneutics

The Bible and "Plain Sense" Reading

Why Do I Like the Doctrine of Accommodation?

Is the Bible a "Toxic Book"?

Taking the Bible Seriously

Assumptions Make You-Know-Whats Out of You and Me

"But That's What the Bible Says"

"Farewell NIV"?

This Isn't the Way to Debate an Issue

Sola Scriptura?

Gender In Christianity

Divine Right

Christian Male Identity

The Bible and the Nature of Woman

Does the Bible Teach Male Headship? Part 1

Does the Bible Teach Male Headship? Part 2

Does the Bible Teach Male Headship? Conclusion

Male Headship: A Comparison with Christian Teachings of Long Ago

Is God's Nature "Father" and Not "Mother"?

Sanctified Sexism

"Be a Man" - Christianity and Gender Mystiques

Why I'm a Jesus Feminist

The Logical Fallacy of "Equal but Subordinate"

Why Protesting "Equal but Subordinate" Is Not Just Me Having a Problem with Authority

"Equal but Subordinate" and Soft Complementarianism

N. T. Wright's Complementarianism

Why the Church Needs Feminism

Fathers' Influence: What Does Study Actually Show?

"Men Need Respect, Women Need Love" - Really?

"Thus, Male Headship" - Christianity and Gender Essentialism

A Close Look at a Complementarian Argument

Christian Egalitarian Marriage

Is Marriage an Illustration of Christ and the Church? Part 1

Is Marriage an Illustration of Christ and the Church? Part 2

Is Marriage an Illustration of Christ and the Church? Conclusion

Does Someone Have to Be "In Charge" of Your Marriage?

What Does a Christian Egalitarian Marriage Look Like?

Gender Roles and Responsibility, Part 1

Gender Roles and Responsibility, Part 2

Does the New Testament Teach that Women Should be Housekeepers?

Men Must be Spiritual Leaders: Real-Life Consequences

Thoughts on 25 Years of Marriage

What About This "Submission" Thing?

Illustrative of Complementarianism? Yes... But Not the Way He Thinks

Male Headship and the Problem of Power

The Man as "Prophet, Priest & King" of Wife & Children

Women in Christian Ministry

5-Step Analysis of 1 Tim 2:11-15, Part 1

5-Step Analysis of 1 Tim 2:11-15, Part 2

5-Step Analysis of 1 Tim 2:11-15, Part 3

5-Step Analysis of 1 Tim 2:11-15, Conclusion

What Galatians 3:28 Cannot Mean

Why Did Jesus Choose Twelve Men?

Turning the Tables

Are Women Seeking Ministry "Demanding Rights"?

Husband of One Wife?

What About "Women Be Silent in the Church"?

"Women Are Not Permitted to Teach" - But Real Life Just Won't Cooperate

The "Feminization" of the Church

Jesus and Women Series

"Even the Dogs Eat the Crumbs": Jesus and the Syrophoenician Woman

"Sir, I Perceive You are a Prophet": Jesus and the Woman at the Well

"One Who is Forgiven Much, Loves Much" - Jesus and the "Sinful Woman"

"Only Believe" - Jesus, the Little Girl, and the Woman with the Issue of Blood

Christian Cliches Series

"Don't Cause Your Brother to Stumble"

"Die to Self"

"Lean Not on Your Own Understanding"

"Don't Be Lukewarm"

"Do Not Deny One Another"

General Bible Topics

The Bible and Human Authority, Part 1: Old Testament

The Bible and Human Authority, Part 2: New Testament

The Bible and Human Authority, Part 3: The Great Chain of Being

The Message of God's Kingdom: Foundational Equality

What About Birth Control?

What About Divorce?

The Atonement: Did God Just Really Need to Punish Someone?

Why I'm Not a Calvinist

Saved By Being Right: Christianity and Dogmatism

The Creation-Evolution Debate and the Genres of Genesis 1 & 2-3

Seeking the God Beyond God

Politics and Government

Thoughts of a Christian Centrist: On the Role of Government

Thoughts of a Christian Centrist: Is Big Government Really the Big Problem?

"In God We Trust," Prayer in Schools & Manger Scenes: Why We Shouldn't Fight for Them

Black History Month: Women's Voices of the Civil Rights Movement

America is Not the New Israel

Prayers for Ferguson & Racial Reconciliation

"Taxation is Theft"?

Society and Culture

Why I Hate "That's So 30 Seconds Ago"

Abraham, Revisionism and "Privilege Distress"

The Purity Conversation: My Two Cents

Don't Blame Beauty and the Beast

Boys Playing with Dolls! Oh, No!

Speaking Strongly While Female

Christianity and the "Male Gaze"

Weeping with the Parents of Trayvon Martin

Perceptions of Racism: Why We Need a Double Standard

Racism, Colorblindness and Me

World Vision and Evangelicalism

Another Take on the World Vision Question

Let's Talk About Sexual Entitlement

About Rape: We Still Just Don't Get It

What I'd Like to See from Hollywood

"Falling Into the Holes in Their Own Thought"

But Is It Science?

If We Say We Have No Sin...

In Memorium: Sir Terry Pratchett

In Tribute: Suzanne McCarthy

Holiday Posts

Being Thankful


Good Friday

Happy Easter!

Taking a Break for Christmas (& some words on Mary)

In Defense of Santa Claus

It's All About Jesus - Isn't It? (Easter post)

Christmas Break (& some words on "holy days")

Faith, Trust, and "Miracle on 34th Street"

Jesus in the Gardens: Undoing What Adam Did

I Love my Country, but I Can't Be Patriotic Anymore

About Halloween...

Forgotten Women in Church History Series

Marcella of Rome

St. Lioba of Germany

Hildegard of Bingen

Julian of Norwich

St. Catherine of Siena

Teresa of Avila

Katherine Zell

Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz

Margaret Fell

Susanna Wesley

Jerena Lee

The Great Triumvirate: Phoebe Palmer, Catherine Booth & Hannah Whitall Smith

Amanda Smith

Antoinette Brown

Book Recommendations

Blood Brothers by Elias Chacour

Tattoos on the Heart by Gregory Boyle

A Year of Biblical Womanhood by Rachel Held Evans

Rose Daughter by Robin McKinley

The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper

The Trace of God by Joseph Hinman


Provoketive Magazine Repost

The Spiritual Abuse Survivor Blogs Network

A Rant: MSN, Rachel Held Evans, and Slapdash Journalism

My Favorite Blog Reads of 2012

I've Got a Guest Post on Rachel Held Evans' Blog!

Favorite Blog Reads of 2013

I'm Going to Be on the Radio!

Three Years of Blogging

Favorite Blog Posts of 2014

Good Stuff: January 2015

Good Stuff - February 2015

Good Stuff - March 2015

Good Stuff: April -May 2015

Guest Post on Christians for Biblical Equality!


Mr. Murry Sparkles said...

Hi Kristen,
I love your blog!!! Keep writing, please.
I'm currently looking at the origins of "church discipline" as it's used now in evangelical churches. Do you address this in one of your articles, and I just haven't found it yet? If not, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the use of Matthew 18:15-17 for church discipline.
Thank you,

Kristen said...

Hi Mandy, and thanks for reading! No, I have not addressed the topic of church discipline on my blog. That's a good topic for me to think about for a future post!

Mr. Murry Sparkles said...

I'll stay tuned :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristen! I'd really love to see that topic addressed as well. I've seen it hurt an innocent family and am experiencing being shunned by the small family integrated church we left (after we left, by the way). I believe God used their mishandling of Scripture to actually protect me from going back into an unbiblical system, but it's hurtful nonetheless.

God bless!

Kristen said...

Ok, the Matthew 18 post is done! It will appear in the Topic Index under "Cultic Christianity/Spiritual Abuse."