
Saturday, January 28, 2017

I have to speak up now....

We have to choose at this time between love and fear. "There is no fear in love... and the one who fears is not complete in love."1 John 4:18.

Are we going to listen to somebody saying, "Everything is bad, the country is falling apart, and it's all the fault of those people, but I'm here to protect you"?

Or are we going to listen to the one who said, "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you" and "Do to others as you would have them do to you"?

What if this is what He meant by "choose the narrow path that leads to life"? Because the way of fear is certainly going to lead to destruction, and it does seem to be the wide, well-traveled road that's easy to choose.

Today an executive order was signed that bans people from certain Middle-Eastern countries from flying into the US. Even if they live here on legal, permanent Visas and were just on vacation to see their relatives.

Fellow Americans, did any of us want or envision that the new administration would mean that the nice Middle-Eastern man in our neighborhood, whom we know by name, would find himself unable to come home to his kids?

I doubt it. I firmly believe we're better than this.

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